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Own your self.

Own your life.

Own It philosophy own your self own your life performance

The Philosophy of 'Own It.'

The philosophy of 'Own It.' is beautifully simple.


It is a philosophy of responsibilityproactivity, and acceptance.


Whoever you are, wherever you are, whatever you're doing - you must first take responsibility for your present state as it stands. Once you have taken ownership and responsibility for your current situation, you can then begin to proactively exert your will upon that which you can control, whilst learning to accept that which you cannot. 

The philosophy of 'Own It.' will ultimately leave you in a position to perform optimally in every aspect of your life - hence 'owning your life'. 


You will be able to take responsibility for your past and present situation. You will proactively strive towards your future goals. And you will be able to recognise and accept the parameters of life that you cannot control. 


How do you 'own your life'?


You must 'own your self'.

Your self. You. The basis upon which your entire concept of reality is built around. 

There are 7 principles to 'owning your self':

The principle of ownership and responsibility. This involves:

  • Recognising your present situation for what it truly is without any trace of self-deception.

  • Renouncing any form of externalisation, be it in the form of blaming others or making excuses, for why the present situation is as it is.

  • Taking ownership and responsibility for your present situation.

  • Making a commitment to proactively act to control what you can, and accept what you can't.

1. Own Your               Situation

The principle of autonomy and agency. This involves:

  • Recognising that the way in which you see the world (your reality) is unique to you, and that you can therefore choose the 'lens' through which you perceive your world. 

  • Recognising the power of choice and how it can create empowered actions - think of someone telling you to take out the bins, as opposed to you deciding for yourself to take out the bins - both actions have the same outcome, but which leaves you feeling more empowered?

  • Taking control of your reality by perceiving every action that you make as a choice that you - and you alone - are making, or not making.

2. Own Your               Reality

The principle of identifying your belief system and core values

This involves:

  • Recognising that your existing belief system may include limiting beliefs and dis-empowering value-fulfilment conditions that may need to be transformed in order to optimise your performance.

  • Identifying and aligning with a set of self-defined core values that are chosen by you - not driven by the influence of your personal relationships (family and friends), societal trends or cultural norms.​

  • Aligning with your core values during goal-setting in order to increase motivation and make better decisions.

  • Returning to the core values often to strengthen your resolve during challenging circumstances, as well as re-evaluating their relevance in your life - just as your life situation changes, so will your core values also evolve! 

3. Own Your               Foundation

4. Own Your               Emotions

The principle of emotional intelligence. This involves:

  • Cultivating the self-awareness to identify your emotional triggers and the responses they incite within you.

  • Learning to effectively manage your emotions to optimise your performance in any environment.

  • Understanding how your emotions manifest and the impact they have on others around you.

  • Developing more powerful relationships through emotional mastery over self and genuine empathy towards others.

5. Own Your               Mindset

The principle of mindset optimisation. This involves:

  • Reconditioning your mindset to effectively replace old limiting beliefs and dis-empowering value fulfilment criteria with new, sustainable empowering alternatives. 

  • Utilising techniques outlined by neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) to re-frame mental dialogue and introduce positive patterns of thought.

  • Resolving 'regret spirals' (past) and anxiety attacks (future) by switching the mind off and re-centring in the present moment, through tools such as mindfulness practices. 

The principle of growing from the past. This involves:

  • Fearlessly confronting your fears, insecurities and vulnerabilities that stem from the past

  • Separating the identity of your present-self from the definitions you've given to your past-selves

  • Establishing a positive relationship with failures and regrets, and transform them into learning experiences from which you can grow and flourish

6. Own Your               Past

The principle of honouring your future-self. This involves:

  • Being able to see your future-self in every action your present-self takes, and honouring your future-self appropriately.

  • Finding meaning in your present situation by creating links connecting it to the future purpose/vision you're striving towards, especially in times of adversity or demotivation.

  • Recognising the value added from the journey towards the goals and results you desire, and detaching from the need for a defined future outcome to validate the worth of that journey itself. 

7. Own Your               Future

Learn more!

There you are. The 'Own It' philosophy in a nutshell. There will be YouTube videos and blog posts expanding further on each of the 7 principles - stay tuned!

In the meantime, if you're interested in getting in touch, or learning more about me and the services I offer, click on the links below! 

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