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Dylan Amin

Coaching Testimonials - Dylan Amin

"Going to the University of Cambridge had been my life-long dream and upon receiving an interview, I understandably began feeling extremely anxious and unnecessarily negative.


I had two interview experiences for unrelated opportunities earlier that year and had failed at both, making me seriously doubt my own ability. I felt an immense pressure to achieve my dreams that was too intense for my own two shoulders to carry.


I decided to confide in Kam. He had an incredible power of not just expressing his faith in me, but managing to enforce my own faith in myself. He told me to accept there were things that could happen that I could not control, but what I was able to control was my mind-set. Appreciating my passion to go to Cambridge was important, but once it became over-powering and negative, it had gone too far. He helped me to relax, accept there were things simply out of my own control and have faith in the process – because of the huge work we both knew I had put in to this.


Fast forward a few months and I am starting in Cambridge in October 2016. I have achieved the massive dream that I never thought I could and changed my life forever. I possess massive gratitude to Kam for helping me to achieve this and he has followed my progress throughout the journey."

/// Dylan Amin, 18

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